10/20 – PGHCNC joins Moon Spooktacular Trunk or Treat

10/20 – PGHCNC joins Moon Spooktacular Trunk or Treat

This year, Pittsburgh Cars ‘N’ Coffee will be joining the Moon Halloween Spooktacular hosted by Moon Parks and Recreation on Wednesday, October 20th at Moon Park. We will be participating in the Trunk or Treat to show off our vehicles and hand out candy to a bunch of excited kids in costume! This event is free and open to the public and includes food trucks, hay rides, games, crafts and more so feel free to attend as a spectator and bring out the kids.

If you are participating in the event, you must bring a minimum of 500 pieces of candy – but you may want to plan on closer to 1500 pieces if past events are any indication – so I would skip the full-size candy and go for volume. You must also arrive and be in place between 2PM and 3:45PM. You are encouraged but not required to dress up your car or yourself in costume so give yourself extra time if you want to decorate your car or put up a display. The event begins at 4:30, but we anticipate that people will start lining up around 4pm.

The following link includes full details for the event. To participate in the Trunk or Treat, you must register here no later than October 13th (spots are limited and may fill up early): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkKPeDLjTiT6q9SiUbd2GUJxRSVdKlDmDXSEYBusy8uq4qGg/viewform

Moon Park Address: 1350 Ewing Rd Moon Township, PA 15108
Date: Wednesday, October 20th 2021