2021 Season

Unfortunately, the 2020 season of Pittsburgh Cars ‘N’ Coffee was a bust. The club decided to cancel all events to protect its members and the community from the persistent COVID-19 threat. While understandably unpopular with some members, we stand by this decision in allowing the least amount of harm possible in an unknown and evolving situation. In the past year, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has claimed the lives of Pittsburgh Cars ‘N’ Coffee club members as well as many of our family, friends, and community.
It is not without careful consideration that we have decided to bring back our events starting on May 8th, 2021. We believe that many of the most vulnerable to this disease will have been immunized by this point and that the vaccine will be generally available to most who wish to have it.
During a pandemic, there is almost nothing that you can do outside of your home which does not incur some amount of risk to yourself or others – whether it be visiting the grocery store or having dinner at a restaurant to restore some sanity – and our event will be no exception. We would like to minimize the amount of risk by implementing strict new rules on a temporary basis regarding mask wearing in all areas of our event and social distancing. Please familiarize yourself with all of our rules before attending and if your health or susceptibility is at all in question, stay home. Club Rules
Please do not use our events as an opportunity to debate over the efficacy of masks or to display your views about your freedom from the tyranny of a piece of cloth. We simply want everyone to feel comfortable at our events, minimize the risk to those in attendance as well as their loved ones, and make sure that our events can continue to occur throughout the remainder of the pandemic. These are private events held on private property at no charge; so if you do not wish to follow our new rules, you are free to attend once these restrictions have been lifted. We are in complete agreement that wearing a mask sucks and after event guidelines loosen, we will drop these requirements.
The past year has been difficult on all of us and it will continue to be a bumpy road ahead. I hope that the return of our events will bring some much-needed love and social interaction back into our lives. We have also implemented a new voluntary paid-membership program to give our members an opportunity to support the club and our charities while becoming an official member of our community. Our events will continue to be free to attend but we appreciate those who are willing to give back. Club Membership
I look forward to seeing all of my extended family again very soon!
-Clifford Laschon
Pittsburgh Cars ‘N’ Coffee President
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